Wednesday, 28 May 2008

OBL 432 as used in Dr Who, filmed in Cardiff.

The back end of OBL 432 and some people in fancy dress. 
(this image bought on e-bay, all others taken by the me!)
David and the van.
Getting ready for a quick getaway! ( a deleted scene)
Billy has a "dry run" of her first shot.
Standing around in the cold waiting to film the next shot.
The fantastic shop filled with working televisions.

Based on "The Idiot's Lantern" Dr Who episode, this Code 3 model is very rare. I made 45 and have sold all but two.

Fast progress, its all coming together at last.

It might not be mot'ed  but it's taxed. A nice touch, a 1955 tax disc.
Rod basking in the sunshine, I always take plenty of spares with me on any journey, maybe a spare engine was a bit of overkill.
ROD the builder, out side a building site, the missing door has since been fitted.

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Oil filter modification on a side valve.

Old and new side by side, lucky I had an old spare canister assembly and a new Minor oil filter kit to hand, without having to strip the one off the engine first.

During the initial running of the engine I ended up with water in my sump, as I was having to do another oil change it became apparent just how tight for space there is when changing the filter. So I decided to modify and fit a spin off filter. The top picture shows an old housing laid out with a Morris Minor kit. So it needed a bit doing to it, to make it fit.
The upper part in this picture is of part of the old filter "nose" welded to a ground down part of the kit. The long threaded part on the right is not needed.
I was then able to fit a new "o"ring in the housing and tighten up the central bolt.
It was then so easy to spin on the filter despite the tight space. I refitted the housing to the engine, I then ran the engine and had no leaks! In future I will have easy oil filter changes and also much better filtration. The kit was £18 and took about an hour to modify just sawing/filing/and mig welding required. Spin on Oil filters are cheap and there is less chance of a leak. I know that other people have done a similar modification but this way seemed easier.