During the initial running of the engine I ended up with water in my sump, as I was having to do another oil change it became apparent just how tight for space there is when changing the filter. So I decided to modify and fit a spin off filter. The top picture shows an old housing laid out with a Morris Minor kit. So it needed a bit doing to it, to make it fit.
The upper part in this picture is of part of the old filter "nose" welded to a ground down part of the kit. The long threaded part on the right is not needed.
I was then able to fit a new "o"ring in the housing and tighten up the central bolt.
It was then so easy to spin on the filter despite the tight space. I refitted the housing to the engine, I then ran the engine and had no leaks! In future I will have easy oil filter changes and also much better filtration. The kit was £18 and took about an hour to modify just sawing/filing/and mig welding required. Spin on Oil filters are cheap and there is less chance of a leak. I know that other people have done a similar modification but this way seemed easier.