1966 Morris body plate.
1966 Morris chassis plate. (uses the words car number not chassis number.)

1955 Morris car body plate, similar to the type used on C.K.D. export J types. ( uses words car number not chassis number)

1960 body plate.

1960 car chassis plate.
Late 1957 jb Chassis Plate (UK )
Late Jb body plate showing body number 35381 but is fitted to chassis jb/mr 37200.

Body plate close up. (Australian)

Early Australian brass chassis plate.

A nice Australian plate showing the word chassis is missing, replaced by the word car number (a term used on Morris cars and car derived vans ).
The chassis number is 41271 as to what the prefix 7/ relates to, any ideas any one?

I have been talking to many people around the world via this blog and the
MCJTV site and some confusion has
occurred as to what and where they are as they differ on export vehicles. Morris J types were made in three types for the home market, chassis, chassis cabs and complete vans.
The chassis being the main item as all other units are fitted to the chassis.
The van bodies were made as stated on their plate by the Nuffield Metal Products Co. They produced van bodies and put their makers plate on it with their own serial number.
In the U.K. only the chassis number is used on official paperwork.
When J type production started the vehicles had a large brass plate with all the serial numbers of the chassis and large units on it. During the formation of the B.M.C. group and with the second type of engine cover being introduced (to improve air flow, as over heating was a problem) the brass plate disappeared and a small aluminium plate with only the chassis number on it, took its place. It would seem that export vans were different. Australian vans seem to be fitted with a type of aluminium plate more in keeping with the type fitted to Morris cars of the period, of course cars did not have a separate chassis so for a car or car derived van they had a Car Number which equaled the chassis number and which went on to be the VIN number. Morris products whether vans or cars still had body numbers, but they were never logged in an official way.