Since OBL's M.O.T. he has hardly been used. I have attended no rallies so far this year and have had very little time for much else except work and hospital visiting.
As I have had a bit of a tidy up and shunted a few vehicles around there was room in the drive for OBL, so this seemed like a good time for a bit of general maintenance and also do the couple of things mentioned by the M.O.T. man (or should I say boy) these 20/30 yearold don't have a clue about these vehicles, they have never seen a J type before and yet they are telling me what's wrong with it, they don't know what they were like new.
Anyway the two jobs to do are king pins, he thought they had too much "lift" and also out rigger on one side had a hole in it, I said it was a rusty old bolt hole and was under the step, the bolt had long since vanished, he wants me to weld it up.
So the plan last night (Monday 28/7/08) was to bring OBL home, jack up the front, remove both front wheels and drop the front axle down. I ran out of time and as thunder and lightning was forecast I felt I would cover him up and this stopped further work.
I will finish removing the axle Tuesday night and take it to the work shop. This will be about the fifth set of king pins I have fitted. They have always been for other peoples vehicles, I never did OBL when I first got him, he was o.k. Lucky I have my own reamer for the bushes and have done this before.