He kindly popped in to see me while at work to present me with an award for an article I wrote for their magazine about my adventures and mis-adventures with my J types.
As you know the side-valve J uses the same side-valve engine as some of their club cars. Indeed some J type owners are in this club as they offer a good spares parts service.
Another J type is for sale on e-bay, owned by Tony Mellor who has had it only a couple of years. It came from Cork and had the registration number ZR 3057. He has spent rather a lot on this vehicle, fully refurbished engine and gearbox, fully welded up with many new parts to be fitted. (A coincidence is that Tony also owned 5003 NX many many years ago).
It was only a few weeks ago he was looking for an enthusiast or a company to reassemble this kit of parts. All of a sudden he is emigrating , I know I would try to take my J with me if I ever thought of doing that! What will it fetch? I would guess about 6k, we shall see.
I have replaced my leaking near-side windscreen rubber in my J type, I have taken a full set of pictures at every stage and made a list all tools/materials used.

It will be a separate blog just like the picture albums and it will be "posted" in the next couple of days, just a couple more pictures to take if it ever stops raining..