The Royal Enfield let me down, it had been standing in the back garden for two years without a cover, I decided to start using it again so brought it in to the garage before Christmas to check it over.
After a service and a brake overhaul it went to the MOT station and passed so I started using it for work.
It has always been a heavy uneven lump but the other day excess vibration, strange rumbling noises and finally it stop with a metalic click, like a spring braking.
So its full strip down time.

Off with the tank, cylinder head, barrel, timing cover.

I drained the oil out of the oil pump and crankcase but forgot when I was stipping it down to drain the clutch housing.
Oil every where..

Here is the crank with a broken oil control ring on the piston and the big end has so much play in it, no wonder I had bad vibrations....

Timing side plate showing oil pump housing and oil filter housing.
Now all I have to do is buy some bits!!!
The reason for the big end bearing failing is normally due to low oil pressure or blocked drillings in the crank shaft itself.