Well here are three pictures of a J type that is new to me, apart from the nasty age related number plate there are one or two other things wrong with this vehicle, still on the whole a very nice restoration. This vehicle was seen at a rally in
AYR in Scotland last weekend.

OBL 432 has come home it arrived in sunshine but traveled in a massive downpour on the journey home.

Looking rather splendid. The super sill/step repairs has put the rest of the van to shame.

While trawling the net I came across some Ministry of Information films from the 1950's. Well one was about "the day in the life of a north London Copper" and in the background to them parading before setting off on beat patrol is a nice little J. This was the best screen shot I could get.

The Welsh milk float on e-bay has sold for £4100, one hundred pounds more than the last time it was for sale, about a year ago. New owner unknown, I will try to find out.

As for me, no vehicle work has been happening, still sorting/packing/dumping etc to get the house ready to sell. One high point last night was being in the loft and finding a wasps nest hanging there. It was much bigger than a football, a good 14/16 inches in diameter. Very active wasps came to greet me. I went and got a large "bin" bag and carefully got the nest into the bag, I then attempted to break the nest away from the roof beam, which when the nest broke away fell into the bag, but I dropped the lot.. Wasps not very happy now! So time to make a hasty exit. I was hardly bitten at all.
Checked this morning and they are still there, and still not happy. More fun tonight!!!