Monday, 27 July 2009

More period pictures and recent rally picture.

Further street shots taken in the 1950's. Kindly supplied by GD again.
Play spot the vehicle.
Other interesting news is Alex popped round to see me on Sunday evening, he is restoring an early J type and has been watching all the blogs and gleaming valuable information along the way. Well he is doing a splendid job, I could see that from the pictures he brought along. I suggested that he should share them with us all so I hope to be doing a blog for his vehicle shortly. He does not have a computer, prefers to spend his hard earned money on J spares rather than a "PC" what a sensible chap. Taking of blogs the one I was doing for MYH has dried up, the owner has not sent me anything to share, come on GS, send us some more!!!!!! the world awaits.