Sorry these entries are in the wrong order.
Monday night I set about doing the tappets on OBL. A very easy job and on a J type you can sit down while you do it. After slackening off the adjusters I felt the ends of the rockers. These were stepped and so they would be imposable to adjust correctly with feeler gauges.
So I removed the complete rocker assembly and as you can see there is some wear/ridges on the underside of the rocker shaft.
Not a problem I have a new shaft and a set of reconditioned/re-profiled rockers in the garage so I might as well fit them. A job to do the next time I have a free hour.
Sunday night I had about half an hour to myself, so I thought I would replace the rear gearbox oil seal, so undid the four bolts on the propeller shaft, and pulled it from the gear box. Off to the garage to get the new oil seal, bugger wrong one! So lets reassemble it and do something else.