Got up early Saturday morning, fitted my new rocker shaft and re-profiled rockers. Adjusted them using the "rule of 9", turn the engine over, watch to see a valve being fully open, number the valves from the front of the engine, so if valve number three is being opened, take 3 from 9 which gives you 6, so valve six will now be "on the back of the cam" or "fully closed" so you can now adjust the valve clearance to 12 thou.
All went well, I had already cleaned the rocker cover and had stuck the new cork seal to the cover with some silicon sealant. This was now dry and it was easy to fit the cover with the seal which now stayed in place. I have always found , when I use to tighten the cover bolts up the seal would either squeeze out or in and a nice oil leak would be the result. Sticking it in place stoppes that problem.
Later on In the day before my wife Caroline came back from food shopping I gate crashed the local fete and flower show. They had a small display of about 30 vehicles, the newest a 1986 mini and the oldest a 1934 Rolls Royce. No other commercials just me at the end of the line. I put a picture of the actor David Tennant (with the van) in the windscreen and was an instant hit with all the seven year old's who wanted to be with the "Doctor's Van".
I left the van on site and walked home to carry on with the D.I.Y. etc. I collected the van about 6 pm just as they were shutting the gates.. So that's my one and only rally this year I hope all you other J type owners have better luck.