Friday, 23 October 2009

A chance for film work and the bikes progress.

I was sent this picture of a beautiful Bedford being used in the filming of Only fools and Horses, the prequel is about the young versions of the well known characters. This was being filmed in Southeast London and is set in the late 1950's.
Well I cheekily asked the sender of the picture to put my J type forward for any other street shots, well you got to try haven't you.
Back to the bike.
Well it took only about ten minutes to fit the new tyre and tube to the wheel rim earlier this week. For the cost of this rear tyre I could have bought two J type ones...As you can see there is no chain cog on a Royal Enfield rear wheel, it has instead the four slots in the hub which are cushioned rubber lined.
So when you remove the rear wheel from the frame the chain, cog and brake drum with linkage stays in place.
View of the rear drive coupling that engages with the rear wheel rim. Well its all back together again but while I have been using the J type to and from work this week I thought I would also service the bike, new sparking plug, oil and filter.
So its back to biking next week.