Anyway this guy Bernard popped round as he wanted a thermostat for this beast. I said "no problem" and walked into my garage, on the way he remarked it has to be a 40 not a 50?
I said "what" Morris Minors have a standard 88 degree thermostat, what do you mean 40/50, that's very low for a thermostat. he then said " the engine is a 1300cc Morris Marina" I said "still that's very low for a thermostat, are you sure?"
Anyway we had a chat, he asked questions and I ask questions, he avoided answering most of mine. As he left for home, the nice smell of slipping clutch and the sound of a blown exhaust met my ears and nose, he said " I have to take it easy, yes it does need a bit of work." The old guy has only just bought the wreck, they saw him coming and I smelt him leave.