Saturday, 10 October 2009

Local people call me the Morris Man.

So because of this I sometimes have strange people and vehicles turn up.

An ex-G.P.O. van, very customised in many ways. Wrong grill, wrong front bumper, wrong indicators, wrong engine/gearbox and the tyres are perished as well.

Air horns mounted underneath the rear end.

A nice hand grenade gear knob, wrong seats, wrong door handles, wrong handbrake lever etc etc.
The rear end is home made, made in fact from bench seats. The pictures do not do this vehicle justice, its far far worse in the "flesh".
I don't think it needs a guard dog in the rear, nobody in their right mind would nick this thing..
Anyway this guy Bernard popped round as he wanted a thermostat for this beast. I said "no problem" and walked into my garage, on the way he remarked it has to be a 40 not a 50?
I said "what" Morris Minors have a standard 88 degree thermostat, what do you mean 40/50, that's very low for a thermostat. he then said " the engine is a 1300cc Morris Marina" I said "still that's very low for a thermostat, are you sure?"
Anyway we had a chat, he asked questions and I ask questions, he avoided answering most of mine. As he left for home, the nice smell of slipping clutch and the sound of a blown exhaust met my ears and nose, he said " I have to take it easy, yes it does need a bit of work." The old guy has only just bought the wreck, they saw him coming and I smelt him leave.