The picture below has been brought to my attention by Mike Parry,Chairman of the 6/80 and Morris Oxford club who also cater for our vans. Check out their web site Many thanks Mike.

Now this picture is on a blog site here.
05-10-2009 MORRIS "J" 1951 Je suis assez fan de Rods et Customs (pas le magazine) et je ne sais pour quelle raison, j'apprécie tout particulièrement les "utilitaires" de cette trempe !Cette réalisation est dans la droite lignée des jouets Jada toys. Je CRAQUE ! !
Cliquez sur l'image pour comparer avec le modèle d'origine !
I understand this translates as " I am quite a fan of Rods and Customs (not the magazine) and I do not know why I particularly appreciate utility vehicles of this kind! This restoration is in the same mould as "Boys Toys". I can not resist!!
As you can see it is a 1951 vintage van, (or earlier as it has the square side lights). I have left a message on the blog site, I wonder if I will get any more details.