The van does drive better when its loaded. Mr Myth loved my van and he hopes to going to get his 1952 van ready for the big Wythall get-together in June.
Most mechanics are done on Mr Myth's van he just needs to have some room to reassemble.
I also put a bid on it!!!
This guy bought some leaf springs off me, and I kept them for 7 months before he collected them..
He promised me that if he was going to sell the van he would offer it to me, I must have missed his call, never mind, ROD is taking all my money as it is..
The History of this van is a bit thin but When I first saw this van it was on the road and owned by a guy called Brian Brimson in Leicester.
It was then bought by J Register member and Morris Minor racer, Reg Salway. He did tell me he'd sold it on but did not say to whom..., so now we know.
I have asked the seller a mr william staniforth (who is into buses) when he acquired this and how, but I doubt he will reply.
OBL and a look alike car that Jon Pertwee drove in the 1970's episodes of the Dr Who stories.
The top picture was taken on set, out side Magpies shop.I will be adding a link here shortly so you can see all the fifty pictures I took while doing the three days filming down in Cardiff. Thanks again to the BBC crew who were great and put up with me, and also to the actors who were so happy to freeze their bits off in the cold March wind and rain.
The other pictures were taken at a Dr Who convention in Essex.
I was invited as the van was a star of one episode.To cover the cost of petrol I was selling various item, I had hoped to make a hugh profit from all the avid fans, most were interested in older Dr who items.