Love the loudspeakers!
Well how did this all come about? The firm R G Jones found a couple of old pictures of two of their old J type vans and wanted to recreate one to celebrate 80 years in Business. They trawled the net and found the J type register, who passed on my details. They were looking for a van to buy or at least hire for a few major events. It had to be black or dark blue, un-sign written and the owner would have to be happy taking it around to various shows and to leave it on display for maybe 3/4/5 days at a time. I fitted the bill, there was talk about many large events and this was looking like it could be a good "earner" but it never happened, one show 5 days displayed at the Henley Music Festival, the speakers were working, softly playing 50's music to the crowds waiting to get in to the event. It did appear in the company house mag, but not much else, not even the local newspaper.