1950 Morris Commercial van.
Model: J
Owner: Steve Harris
Location: Parksville, BC

ROD is insured or is it me that is insured to drive ROD?
I have not been playing with ROD but for a change working on OBL to get him ready to go off to the body shop.
I have put what repair panels I have (still waiting for some more) and he is due to be collected on Wednesday 29Th April.
Apart from checking over the lights, wipers and tyres he has had a full grease up and all oil levels checked and topped up, yes even the rear axle with "EP 80" oil, that stuff has a strange odour and it's still with me 3 days later.
Once the body work is finished they will MOT the van for me, I think they just want to drive round in the van for a few days, who can blame them? I will then take a train down there and have a nice drive back.
Remember he is booked in for the Dr Who convention at the end of June, so time is getting short. He will need a bit of a repaint when I take the R P Jones stickers off and then stick the "Magpie Electricals" logo's back on. Those "Whoies" are a strange bunch and they wont be happy unless he's correct.
I have collected a fair few spares now for the Victoria van, having got a courier price of £107 and a post price of about £56 I will have to start saving up my loose change to fund the shipment.
Anybody reading this going to Canada? want to take a small package with you, only about 7kgs ??
Remember as the great MYTH said "the only way is a J".