Owner Rob tells us a bit about this van which is his daily drive.
He is a new member of the MCJTV group, if you have a J type or an interest in J's I can recommend this very active and interesting group.
"The headlights are aftermarket ones for hot-rods and take a standard 7" light. I have the stock lights in the shed, they are in excellent shape but hopeless for seeing where your going in the dark and I drive regularly at night time so the halogens are a blessing. The Mini van style tail lights were already fitted and although they are a drastic change from standard, again they are nice and bright and at a good height for today's "drivers" so I don't plan on changing them while I'm using the van daily. The chrome grill surround and center bar are original and probably look a bit better in the photos than they really are. I actually don't mind the front bar and it is a step up from the bit of railway sleeper that was on it when I got it and it's handy to hang the number plate off. I don't think I'd be using it like I do if was still a side valve, three speed, poorly braked and badly lit original. " Cheers Rob.
So here is the 3rd oldest, currently running van, still moving and being enjoyed 60 years later.
Moving on to my "Magpie" van. It was collected at 10.40 am yesterday morning and was transported 200 miles down the road to the body-shop of MTR restorations.
Well it arrived all safe and sound at 4.30 pm and was driven into the workshop straight away. They have already started work on the van and are chasing me for the rest of the repair panels that are on order with "Fairmile".
I need these urgently now.
One of the reasons for the hurry for the repair of the "Magpie" van was that it was to be a star at a "Dr Who" convention in June, this has now been cancelled, another victim of this recession I suppose. So that does take the pressure off me some what but I doubt MTR will want a J type in their workshop for longer than necessary.