Well as some of you readers might know ROD went off to the MOT testing station today. I left late to try to avoid the heavy traffic as I was dropping ROD off, on my way to work. I left him there and walked the rest of the way. When I arrived at work I was pleased to see the bosses car was not there, thought I might "get away" with being late. No such luck, when the boss walked in, the first thing he said was "I saw you", "you cannot hide a J type in traffic..."
Walked back during lunch time to collect ROD, it was then I remembered I had forgotten my camera..
So here is one of those camera phone pictures..
Sorry about the quality. Yes it did pass, so with all the paper work filled in and forms from the Internet they were all in the post tonight to get a new FREE tax disc for ROD. I had to send the paper work away as I was changing the taxation class from, would you believe from Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) to Historic. You cannot do this at a Post Office, it all must go to your nearest DVLA local office and not the head office in Swansea.