I bought the track rod/ drag links from Amsteer, at £10.58 each plus shipping.
You will need a pair, one left thread and one right hand thread, Part Numbers AM962L and AM962R. (These also fit the J2 van).
The measurement from ball joint centre to ball joint centre is quite precise, at 28.9 to 29.2 cm's.
Near-side front shock absorber in place and trial fit of the drag link.
A close up of the drag link and drop arm, the stamped mark on steering box shaft should Aline with a stamped mark on the drop link. I have marked it in the photo with red paint but it is very difficult to photograph.

I next trial fitted the brake pipes and was able to turn the steering to make sure nothing was fouling. It is easy to route the flexible brake pipe incorrectly and it rubs on the shock absorber casing, so do check this if you are changing them.
In answer to a couple of e-mails I will be cleaning up, pressure washing and painting the under wing area. It will end up having a better paint job than the outside.