Friday, 6 March 2009

Don't forget the Brookland Austin Morris day on Sunday.

The Brooklands Austin and Morris day is on Sunday 8th, I will NOT be there due to an incident a few years ago, I had taken some items to give to fellow vehicle owners at this event but was accused of being a trader and forced to pay the going rate of £55 for a pitch. So be warned if you have any bits and bob's you thought you might pass on, watch out it my prove to be expensive. Talking about expense I have invested a whole £10 on a secondhand laptop and bought a mobile USB broadband thing, so I can check my e-mails and do blog updates more often. I have up till now had to do it all at work on my Apple Mac, in snatched odd slack times but as of late I have been out on the road being a delivery boy this has proved difficult. The bike is running again but I'm not happy with it and have ordered a "shed load' of bits straight from India. The parts are so cheap, the carriage is not. I have also added another 12 pictures to the J type album and there is also a link to the "ESSO" van that became the "River boat van" that recently changed hand and went up north to be fully restored, enjoy.
Truman's blog is rather fantastic do take a look, I will replace the "missing link" to it shortly. I removed it has it had been dead for a very long time, it is now "full steam ahead" so I better put it back.
A further link on the right has been added it will be of the complete restoration of the excellent early j type van that went on to become the R.A.C vehicle. (LDG)