A fantastic weather weekend, as we are to have the front of our house painted (for free)!!
ICI Paints needed to do an "on site" trials of a new paint system, we put our house forward for the trial but at first we were turned down, at the eleventh hour this has changed.
So Saturday saw me, not playing with vehicles but giving the front of the house, a long overdue spring clean. The gutters cleaned out, a Wisteria climbing up the front all had to be cut down, the pressure washer was dragged out and all the paintwork,windows and plastic gutter were given a blast. Also the bike had a bit of a blast, its first wash in about three years.. The lawns were mowed, the paths swept and borders dug, I was knackered !!!, but as a few people from ICI will be standing in the drive, (watching the painter at work) and ROD the ex-painters truck will be there, they might take an interest in HIM, they might change their minds and publish a bit about ROD in their in-house newsletter.
After all ROD has been painted with good old ICI paint.
So you can see I have been kept away from my vehicles, so here is a round up of other J type owners "doings" this weekend.