I then removed both front and rear near side wheels and drums, I always slacken the wheel nuts off, jack up the vehicle, undo the drum nut and gripping the complete tyre, remove wheel and drum as one. I always find it easier than just removing the wheel and then have to remove the drum separately,
In the past stubborn drums have needed a puller or slide hammer but using the whole wheel I have so far found both front and rear drums come off easily..jpg)
I then cleaned out the brake drums of dust checked all was well with the shoes and wheel cylinder and refitted the drums. I took the opportunity to bleed the brakes and managed to remove some trapped air from the rear wheel cylinder.
So a little bit more has been done to ROD, I will turn him round in the next few days and do the same, clean and check the off side brakes.

When I first gained ROD I had drained and refilled the rear axle, after his short drive I drained some more oil from his rear axle in case the drive had dislodged any muck. The oil was clear so I just had to top it back up. The original oil or should I say treacle that I drained out was disgusting, I have a feeling ROD had been driven into the ground in later life.
A couple of pictures of a seat base as requested by Bowie.
Later on I checked RODs lights and indicators and I was pleased to report all working correctly.
The clocks altered this weekend and it was so nice to have some daylight till 7.30 pm. I will be able to come home from work and do the odd job on ROD with ease, fantastic spring is here.