Now we have light evenings I have been able to come home from work and in daylight do a couple of jobs on ROD each evening. Everything is so much easier when your now having to hold a torch while doing something.
A worms eye view of ROD. He started straight up last night, first press of the starter button, setting the mixture correctly has helped no end.
So I turned him round and will remove both wheel tonight to double check and adjust the brakes and all suspension nuts and bolts for tightness.
He was a real talking point, yesterday when we had our free house painting session. they only did the front and inner porch but did leave the "spare" paint nearly 4 litres so that all helps. (this was a free paint, using a trade "paint pod" system, getting trade people to try the product and application system, for their feedback before the product is launched in the next two months).

I will be sorry to see ROD go but needs must, and I do have a keen buyer who is an ex-J type owner, who has first refusal on him.