I think ROD is rather photogenic and it was very nice being out early, on this spring Sunday morning, all these pictures were taken before 7a.m. a glorious time of the day.
ROD started straight away and we drove home very well, this first "shake down" road trip high-lighted some things that need attending to.
1, A new correct size battery and clamp required.
2, The mixture needs setting up again as its running weak. (some idiot's been fiddling)
3, The induction noise is very loud from the air cleaner/carburettor, this is normal but I wonder if I can fit a better paper air cleaner assembly to quieten it down a bit.
4, The brakes are soft, they got better each time they were used as the new shoes bedded into the drums, though I feel a bleed of the brake fluid would also help.
5, The speedo does not work! So I will have to investigate the speedo head and cable to see what's going on.
ROD ran rather well, I was surprised just how nippy the side valve engine proved to be and I was getting a bit of a "high", I know I had a big grin on my face as we drove along. Even at this early hour many people I know were out and about, they all did a bit of "head turn" as I went by. (Was that a look of shock or surprise on their faces, I wonder?).
I also got a bit carried away driving home and was trying to hurry the gear changes, bad error there by me, you cannot do that to a side valve, three speed J.
So at long last the two years work so far carried out is coming to an end and an MOT test is on the horizon. I will be sorry to sell him but needs must.
Another 20 J type pictures have been added to the album on the right, enjoy.