Sorry to do this, for all that have seen it before, Yes my J type was on Television again.

The episode was repeated again last night, I wish I had repeat fees as this seems to be a popular one.

I did not know it was going to be "on" the television I only found out the next day when I was walking the dogs and a
neighbour let me know.

So I missed it again, never mind it will/should be all sign written up again as the Magpie Van when it goes on its holiday to the Isle of Wight in early September. He is booked in at a Morris Minor gathering at the local Steam Railway Centre. So old vehicles, Auto Jumble, Steam Engines, Road Runs, Hog Roasts, Jug Bands and vintage open topped Buses doing trips round the island. Should be a rather nice weekend event.

Up date on water pump progress is that
OBL 432 now has a nice new water pump.
Details of where to order (the best price/quality) and some part numbers and also things to check when buying old stock items at auto-jumbles (the late MGB pumps are no good for our vans) will be posted shortly with pictures.
I have also been chatting with "Rodney" via face book and he has made a promise to post a picture or two of the parts he has acquired for his van restoration. The boys will be round if he fails....