Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Polly pick up progress and OBL's water pumps.

Polly the "B"Pick up is in the garage while OBL432 can use the carport. This constant rain is a right pain.
It is a shame that polly is "in doors" as it is now very hard to work on the pick up as we are rather tight for space.
So I turned to OBL, yet more out standing jobs. To replace the water pump and fan belt.
So off with the front panel.
Off with the top shield over the radiator, this makes sure all the air at the front of the van is forced throught the radiator when driving and does not just pass over the top of the engine.
Next job remove the radiator, which is held in place by five bolts. Four can be undone from the front and last one is found inside of the cab. Once all the bolts are removed undo the drain pipe and tap and the last little job is to remove the sheild and gasket from around the filler neck.
Next episode tomorrow! (if I get home in the light).